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Vinnarna i Swedish Game Awards 2021

Vinnarna i Swedish Game Awards 2021

Åren passerar snabbt tydligen med tanke på att det var för 18:e gången som Swedish Game Awards arrangerades.

Nio kategorier och vilka som vann kan du se nedan. Motiveringen kom på engelska och vi ids inte översätta… Evenemanget ägde rum på Nalen i Stockholm på fredagskvällen den 29 oktober.

Årets spel
The Tale of the Greenhouse

”A perfectrly executed gamplay loop where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.. Cozy, wholesome, We are left craving more and exited to see what you will do in the future.”

Årets mobilspel

”Ready for the Appstore, cute, full of detail and a well suited experience for the platform and the intended audience.”

Dale the Dragon Detective: Murder at Dungeon Mountain

”Seamless experience, tight, well executed – and we are extremely impressed to see this come together by a student team, excelling where many professionals industry fail. AND in a custom made game engine.”

How we Know we’re Alive

”A personal story told in a cinematic way, but still appropriate for the format. Well delivered plot points and story beats, snack sized and in the likes of life is strange and Night in the Woods.”

How we Know we’re Alive

”An artstyle and execution that pulls you in, sets the tone and provides an immersive atmosphere. We couldn’t put it down and wanted to see what was around the corner – complex emotions delivered in an understaded and tasteful way.”

Dale the Dragon Detective: Murder at Dungeon Mountain

”We were impressed by the level of details in this game. A polished experience where ambience, music and voices come together to create a beautiful experience. Sounds in this game enchances the action and humour.”

Best Diversity Effort
How we Know we’re AliveE

”For this special award we want to support perspectives that may be less represented in the games medium. This game delivers new perspectives and personal drama in a thoughtful way, these are also an essential part of the experience and adds to.”

Beer and Plunder

”This game stood out for us in the way it takes familiar game mechanics, expands on them and make them its own. We see the inspirations, and we are pleased with the execution. Rarely has being this stressed out been this fun.”

Gamers’ Choice Award
Dale the Dragon Detective: Murder at Dungeon Mountain

Där har vi allt summerat. Grattis och hoppas att pengarna som vinnarna fick kommer till nytta. Alla fick 10 000 kronor, utom årets spel som fick 30 000 kronor.